Thursday, September 23, 2010

Summers End

Okay so I realize this is long overdue and there are so many pictures and events that will be left out but i thought it fitting that on the first day of Fall (my favorite) i would post some of summer's events.

Josh and I at temple square last Sunday for our last summer picture.

On August 10th, Josh's younger sister Emily got married! Congrats and Seth, welcome to the family. Glad not to be the only new one around. :)

Shipp family picture 2010!

Right before school started back up, Josh and I went to St. George for the weekend and spent some time with the Horrocks family and of course my grandparents. This is Amanda and I posing before church that Sunday.

Snagged a few pictures with the boys. I love this one because Blake has such a cute smile on his face!

It just so happened that this particular weekend was Nathan's 2nd birthday so we enjoyed some festivities and lego cake! Happy birthday Nathan!

Okay so I love Build a Bear. It is just so cute! So for my birthday this year, Josh and I adopted our cute little twins and spent an hour or so building them! Ridiculous i know, but we don't have kids so it is not like we ever go there! It is okay you can mock me.

We have been able to do a little overnight camping up at Strawberry Reservoir.

As well as a little fishing!

Look, Josh doing some construction. Oh wait...not really, while spending the weekend with Ross and Jenny in Bear Lake, we had a visit from a mouse and Ross and Josh spent a few hours chasing it down to kill it. This is Josh taking apart fireplace framework to get the mouse out. So GROSS!

I love being around nieces and nephews! Amanda was able to come up a few times this summer and on this particular time we went to the zoo. This is the boys and i, after eating some lunch back at my house.