Monday, May 31, 2010


Josh and I, mostly Josh and a few brothers (thank you!), have been working on taking out those wonderful bushes in the front yard and just trying to freshen up the yard. Today we have completed that project, well completed to the point we are willing to stop for a bit (Josh has lots more he would like to finish but...), and here are some pictures. It doesn't look amazing but we don't want to redo everything so we just added a few flowers to brighten up the yard and hopefully the bunnies won't eat everything.

Also, we have been redoing the inside. Well kinda. We spackled and freshened up some paint and rearranged things so that hopefully everything is organized and easier to deal with.

Here we are finished for the day and relaxing!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Josh's New Love

We've been married a year and Josh is already passing me up for a.....(drum roll)....GAME! Dominion has been taking over our lives (thanks Wes!). Of course when Josh gets into something he goes all out, so when he bought the game he didn't just buy the game he bought every expansion possible! Look how happy he is!

And yes, he has even got me to play quite a few times although I haven't quite made it to the expansions yet!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

First Wedding Anniversary!

Wow! It has been a year, and a great one at that. Although we both thought this year would lead us different places, it has been amazing and I have thoroughly enjoyed this new experience. Thanks honey, love you!