Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Josh's Birthday Cake

For Josh's birthday I made a Chocolate Cake roll and here it is. Luckily he loved it, and i just have to post it because i am awfully proud of this (it took forever to make)!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March happenings!

Okay so updating the blog hasn't been my top priority and although we have so much going on, there just hasn't been much time to do anything outside of homework, work, class, laundry, etc...
Anyway i thought i would at least post some of our March happenings, at least some of the things i am looking forward to.

-My last class in Tooele was on the 6th! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Our nephew Blake's baby blessing this last weekend, so fun to see the Horrocks family in Pocatello!

-Josh's birthday on the 15th, plus many other family birthdays! Very exciting!

-My favorite, Josh has 8 cavities to fill this month! Just shows that you should always floss no matter how much of a pain it can be.

-Midterms, yuck! But this means the semester is half over!

-Spring break, from classes at least, always good to have a reason to not go to class.

-St. Patrick's Day, which is always fun when you work with elementary kids!