Thursday, September 23, 2010

Summers End

Okay so I realize this is long overdue and there are so many pictures and events that will be left out but i thought it fitting that on the first day of Fall (my favorite) i would post some of summer's events.

Josh and I at temple square last Sunday for our last summer picture.

On August 10th, Josh's younger sister Emily got married! Congrats and Seth, welcome to the family. Glad not to be the only new one around. :)

Shipp family picture 2010!

Right before school started back up, Josh and I went to St. George for the weekend and spent some time with the Horrocks family and of course my grandparents. This is Amanda and I posing before church that Sunday.

Snagged a few pictures with the boys. I love this one because Blake has such a cute smile on his face!

It just so happened that this particular weekend was Nathan's 2nd birthday so we enjoyed some festivities and lego cake! Happy birthday Nathan!

Okay so I love Build a Bear. It is just so cute! So for my birthday this year, Josh and I adopted our cute little twins and spent an hour or so building them! Ridiculous i know, but we don't have kids so it is not like we ever go there! It is okay you can mock me.

We have been able to do a little overnight camping up at Strawberry Reservoir.

As well as a little fishing!

Look, Josh doing some construction. Oh wait...not really, while spending the weekend with Ross and Jenny in Bear Lake, we had a visit from a mouse and Ross and Josh spent a few hours chasing it down to kill it. This is Josh taking apart fireplace framework to get the mouse out. So GROSS!

I love being around nieces and nephews! Amanda was able to come up a few times this summer and on this particular time we went to the zoo. This is the boys and i, after eating some lunch back at my house.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June Happenings!

So much has happened in June! Now that school is out I am having a great time enjoying summer. I did think I would have a lot of free time but summer classes have kept both Josh and I pretty busy, but during the day I have been able to spend time with my mom and finish some projects I started last summer and never found time to finish. One is my painting. Last year, I started some painting projects and then ran out of time to finish them so I have pulled out my Welcome Bear. This is a cute little bear that you can change the outfits for every month or season. I have just finished my 4th of July outfit, Christmas, and a Winter one. I am of course working on some in between those times but it is taking me awhile. I am so proud of this little bear, it really has taken me quite some time to get around to it.

Here is my Welcome Bear in his new 4th of July outfit!

These are the other two outfits that I have finished.

At the beginning of June, one of Josh's best friends got married. It was so much fun to attend and see such a great couple get married. Congrats Ross and Jenny!

Ross and Jenny got married in Logan, so we had the opportunity to see dear Logan and visit with friends. Such a great day!!

Monday, May 31, 2010


Josh and I, mostly Josh and a few brothers (thank you!), have been working on taking out those wonderful bushes in the front yard and just trying to freshen up the yard. Today we have completed that project, well completed to the point we are willing to stop for a bit (Josh has lots more he would like to finish but...), and here are some pictures. It doesn't look amazing but we don't want to redo everything so we just added a few flowers to brighten up the yard and hopefully the bunnies won't eat everything.

Also, we have been redoing the inside. Well kinda. We spackled and freshened up some paint and rearranged things so that hopefully everything is organized and easier to deal with.

Here we are finished for the day and relaxing!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Josh's New Love

We've been married a year and Josh is already passing me up for a.....(drum roll)....GAME! Dominion has been taking over our lives (thanks Wes!). Of course when Josh gets into something he goes all out, so when he bought the game he didn't just buy the game he bought every expansion possible! Look how happy he is!

And yes, he has even got me to play quite a few times although I haven't quite made it to the expansions yet!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

First Wedding Anniversary!

Wow! It has been a year, and a great one at that. Although we both thought this year would lead us different places, it has been amazing and I have thoroughly enjoyed this new experience. Thanks honey, love you!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Josh's Birthday Cake

For Josh's birthday I made a Chocolate Cake roll and here it is. Luckily he loved it, and i just have to post it because i am awfully proud of this (it took forever to make)!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March happenings!

Okay so updating the blog hasn't been my top priority and although we have so much going on, there just hasn't been much time to do anything outside of homework, work, class, laundry, etc...
Anyway i thought i would at least post some of our March happenings, at least some of the things i am looking forward to.

-My last class in Tooele was on the 6th! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Our nephew Blake's baby blessing this last weekend, so fun to see the Horrocks family in Pocatello!

-Josh's birthday on the 15th, plus many other family birthdays! Very exciting!

-My favorite, Josh has 8 cavities to fill this month! Just shows that you should always floss no matter how much of a pain it can be.

-Midterms, yuck! But this means the semester is half over!

-Spring break, from classes at least, always good to have a reason to not go to class.

-St. Patrick's Day, which is always fun when you work with elementary kids!