Friday, December 4, 2009

Holiday Update!

I love this time of year when there are so many holidays so close together. These past few weeks and the weeks to come are so exciting as we get to spend so much time with family and friends. In the last bit Josh and I have had quite a bit of fun enjoying the season.

A few weeks ago, Josh and I went and spent just a few days with Amanda, Wes, and Nathan. When we arrived, Amanda was slaving away making gingerbread so we could make houses.

Here is Josh and Wes constructing our adorable houses.

I must say the end results were beautiful and I am so glad we were able to do this. It was so much fun and definitely something I want to do every year!

I am so happy we were able to spend some time with the Horrocks family. Thanks Amanda and Wes, we love you!

Next was Thanksgiving dinner in St. George with the Nelson clan. It was so much fun to go and visit. This was the first time Josh has ever met and been around my Aunt Susan and Uncle Kirk's family. I love Thanksgiving, and not really for the food, although yummy, I have never been one to eat a lot so...not completely amazing. I do, however, love spending time with family and reflecting upon the many blessings. No talk of Thanksgiving would be complete without my expressing my gratitude for some blessings. This year as I have joined a new family and created my own I must say that family has been something on my grateful mind. I am so grateful for my new family and all that is done for me! When seeing some of the children i do and the backgrounds they have i truly am grateful for my roots and the family that raised me and the many blessings the Lord has provided.

Ladies first!!

It was so warm and look no snow! Josh and I took a drive while down in St. George, if you look closely you can see the temple!

Now that December is here, it is time to move on to Christmas! Although we don't have many decorations we were able to somewhat decorate our tree (thanks Nate and Cami for getting the tree for us). We thought it turned out cute! So here is to our first Christmas!